Thanks for the Six Awards

Thank you Tami, for nominating me for these awards. It was a real pleasure to check out my blog this morning and find that lovely comment on my page notifying me of my nomination. Thanks to all my faithful readers e-mail followers and followers on the wordpress community. I truly appreciate your likes, comments, reblogs and all. It’s a really beautiful thing to know somebody appreciates your work. Many thanks and may God fulfill all the works of your hands.

Here are the six awards.

wonderful-team-membership-award versatile blog award super-sweet-blogging-award21w6451 seed-of-light-award1 one-lovely-blog1 abc award

I’m really honoured to be considered fit for these awards by LBH. She’s a very gifted writer. What I love most about her blog is the calming effect it has on me whenever I read her posts. Evidently, they come from one who truly learns at the feet of Jesus. Please check out her blog over at Be sure to stop by and read her work.

The rules for accepting these awards are to state seven things about yourself and then pass the awards on by nominating 15 other blogs. Let them know they’ve been nominated!

Ok…. Seven things about myself:

  1. I absolutely love God, Jesus is my best friend and I depend on the Holy Spirit for his guidance in everything I do.
  2. I love to snore while sleeping…though it doesn’t happen always but that’s the best sleep anyone can get, I think. Did I just see someone scrunch up her nose?
  3. Everyone thinks I love to wear heels cos I’m always on heels but I really prefer to walk about in flats.
  4. I’m big on romantic movies and I always cry at the end.
  5. I love me-times a lot. Can you believe I used to be so excited whenever it was time to go to bed?
  6. Love is a very biiiiiiiigggg word to me….I don’t say it easily and I don’t take it lightly (go figure…lol)
  7. I like to gaze at fashion magazines and imagine I’m the one in those couture dresses and shoes.

Now these are my nominations, in no particular order: (I can’t nominate someone who nominated me, right?)

  1. Obiamaka Onyebum –
  2. Eziaha
  3. JMAD –
  4. Todaysistas
  5. Snufflylovely –
  6. Giantsparkle
  7. Steve Rebus –
  8. Adaobim –
  9. Pastor Mildred –
  10. Ladyromp

Be sure to check them all out. They’re really cool!

4 thoughts on “Thanks for the Six Awards

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